Technology is continuing to become a part of our everyday lives. Screens are everywhere you look. Televisions, ipads, smart phones, computers, smart watches, even refrigerators are able to connect to the internet! So many children are continually asking for “just one more minute”. Let’s stop and discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of screen time for children and adolescents.
Benefits of Screen time:
1.) Parents get uninterrupted time to do household tasks, work, or relax: This time can be incredibly valuable for your mental health and wellbeing as a parent. It is a quick and easy way to ensure that your child is engaged in a task and will not need anything for a while.
2.) Children get the opportunity to engage in social interactions: Whether it be through online games, social media, facetime, or text messaging. Screen time allows your child the opportunity to connect with their peers and create meaningful relationships. These opportunities can be incredibly beneficial for your child to learn communication skills and understand potentially complex social scenarios.
3.) Children can learn independence skills, problem solving skills, cognitive skills, time management skills, etc…: Different apps and games allow for children to practice things like quick thinking, problem solving, and even following instructions. Games can be a great low-risk way for your child to practice these skills. Some apps are even designed to expand you child’s mental capacity by teaching them to think critically about subjects while completing puzzles.
4.) Children learn crucial digital literacy skills: I’m sure that many of us need to use computers and phones for our careers. USing screen time from a young age is a great way to build digital literacy skills that could potentially benefit your child in the future. Children can learn to search information, identify credible sources, and use different online platforms (such as Word, Excel, or even Google).
5.) Children can get support in school subjects: Online games and apps can help your child to participate in their learning in a fun and engaging way. It may even incentivise them to continue their studies outside of school. Many games may focus on subjects like math, reading, and even art. Screen time can allow your child to learn creativity skills through music, digital drawing, and many other modalities.
Costs of Screen time:
1.) Devices can be expensive: Not only are devices expensive, but your child may also ask for apps that cost money. Expenses on different games can begin to add up.
2.) Increased screen time limits may lead to addictive behaviors: Excessive screen time can lead to your child feeling like they need to engage with it constantly. This can lead to a dependence on the screens for self regulation, social interactions, and general stimulation.
3.) Increased amounts of screen time may lead to an increase in behavioral outbursts: Behavioral outbursts may include hitting, screaming, yelling, crying, or even arguing. Your child may become frustrated when screen time limits are set and become agitated. This can cause frustration for you and your child.
4.) Overstimulation: Constant exposure to bright screens, loud noises, and moving visuals might become overwhelming for your child. This may lead to them having difficulty finding other low-stimulation activities engaging, focusing at school, or regulating their emotions.
5.) Children may be vulnerable to cyber-bullying: One risk of letting your child use social media or online games is that they may be subject to name calling, aggressive language, or hurtful comments. It may be difficult to monitor their online interactions to ensure that their experiences remain positive.
6.) Children may be exposed to things that are inappropriate: Not all online platforms are monitored and deemed safe for children. Children may come across videos with content that is violent, sexual, contains use of drugs and alcohol, or many other topics that may be traumatic for them to witness.
7.) Increased levels of anxiety and depression: Consistent use of social media has been linked to increased levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. As children and adolescents use social media, they may begin to compare themselves to others which can lead to feelings of inadequacy.
What is the data?
The World Health Organization suggests no screen time for children under the age of 2 years old. They also suggest less than 1 hour of screen time for children ages 2-5. Other studies suggest that children and adolescents use screens for up to 7.5 hours in a single day.
How to make the decision?
The decision about whether to restrict your screen time is incredibly difficult. When faced with a child who is in distress on top of your parenting duties, limiting screen time may seem impossible. However, I suggest that limiting screen time can be beneficial for you and your child. As they develop a routine around their screen time allowances, they will gain skills in independence and creativity as they find new ways to engage with the world. It is important, especially for parents of young children, to monitor their time online in order to shield them from potentially harmful content. As your child grows to a teenager, it may be vital for them to be able to communicate to their peers online. However, setting clear boundaries and expectations will help your child to thrive online and offline.
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Written By,
Jordan Adamson, LPC